August 29, 2008

As promised...

Want to know more about the Community Discussion Groups that are forming for the fall? Here is a list of which courses that are starting in about a month. Registration is open, so please contact Nancy Carruthers at for more information or to reserve your spot! If you don't find a topic that works for you, please consider starting your own discussion group with one of the other topics that are available. USEE staff are on hand to assist you in forming your own group. Check out the newly revised Global Warming: Changing Co2urse!

Healthy Children Healthy Planet
Monday, 6:00pm - 7:30 pm
September 22 - November 3

Choices for Sustainable Living
Wednesday, 6:00pm - 7:30 pm
September 24 - November 5

Discovering a Sense of Place
Thursday, 6:00pm - 7:30 pm
September 25 - November 6

Global Warming: Changing CO2urse New Revised Guide
Tuesday, 6:00pm - 7:30 pm
September 30 - October 2

Menu for the Future
Wednesday, 6:00pm - 7:30 pm
October 1 - November 5
Location, TBA

All of the first meetings for discussions will be held at the USEE offices, which are at 466 E 500 S ste 100 in Salt Lake City. After that, depending on your group and where everyone lives a more flexible meeting place may be established. And on that note, I'm outta here for the long weekend. Happy Labor Day!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that similar issues are taking on more meaning in Ontario, with its 250,000 lakes and probably the largest share of Great Lakes shorelines. I attended the Elmvale Water Festival (north of Toronto) to hear Maude Barlow warn against the "Water Hunters", and the destruction of water tables when aquafiers and ground water are not in the public domain. Who will be the Sheriff in Utah? The Elmvale groupis a grass roots organization taking a preemptive position to inform and if necessary fight potential water hunters. See
