October 9, 2008

Sunshine is good for the Body

Here in the Environmental Education world, we focus a lot on getting kids outside. With the No Child Left Inside movement, and their slogan "Get 'Em Outside", it is constantly on our minds. However, while reading an article in the Salt Lake Trib this morning, I realized many adults (including myself) need to take some of that advice as well.

Based on recent studies, experts recommend that we get at least 1,000 units of vitamin D a day. Now, if we are taking vitamins and eating well, we may be able to get 600 units. Where would the other 400 come from? Luckily, we have a wonderful and accessible source - the SUN! 10 minutes in the sun at midday with our faces and arms exposed can give us the full 1,000 units in one shot. Also, don't worry about clouds; the rays that our bodies need for vitamin D will still get through.

For me, when I am tired and have no energy in the office, a walk outside in the sunshine does a lot of good. Not only for my mood, but my productivity as well. It's not just a little mental boost as I was amazed to learn that the vitamin D production in the skin (from the sun) can also decrease the risk of several cancers, and that it is very important for women. Study results "support the idea that sunlight exposure reduces the risk of advanced breast cancer among women with light skin pigmentation." But, we can't over do it. We still need to be sure to wear sunscreen for long exposures.

So with our busy schedules, how can we take some time to get our "vitamin D breaks" in?
  • Take a walk at lunchtime
  • Talk to your co-workers in the parking lot before leaving for lunch
  • Eat outside or take your work outside (you can get things done on your blackberry)
  • Work in the yard
  • Hang your laundry outside
  • Just sit and relax
  • Take a walk in the park
  • Help your neighbor pull up some weeds
There are many things we can do. If you are a busy person (as we all are), figure out how you can multi-task your needs and your "basking in the sun." As Mary Jane Butters (SL Trib writer) states, "It's simple: Sunshine is good for the body and good for the spirit. So go on outside and claim yours!"
And, take your kids while you are at it.

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