Where community and environmental literacy come together:
Relax. Sit down. Enjoy. Connect.

December 10, 2008

Support Environmental Education

Dear Supporters of Environmental Education,

This has been an exciting year for environmental education (EE) in Utah. The USEE staff, board, members, and volunteers have taken great strides in our efforts to provide statewide leadership that expands the quality, scope, and effectiveness of environmental education in our state. Thanks in large part to all of our supporters in 2008, USEE has:

* Increased the participation to our Annual Conference, this year held at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge;

* Expanded Project Learning Tree to work with over 300 teachers and college students;

* Conducted a state-wide teacher needs assessment with over 1000 teachers and over 200 organizations;

* Highlighted the importance of the "No Child Left Inside" legislation that passed in the US House of Representatives.

With a new administration, increased public interest about environmental issues, and strong grassroots organizations, 2009 looks to be a ground breaking year for EE. I was recently asked what worried me about the next 18 months. While the current financial crisis was on my mind, my response was that as the interest of EE grows, I am concerned that Environmental Educators will have difficulty meeting the growing demands for their limited time and resources. USEE's role as a professional organization is to help Environmental Educators and Organizations meet these challenges but we can only do this with the support of our community.

If Environmental Education is important to you, and as you reflect on what you are able to give this season, I hope that you consider making an end of year donation to USEE. No amount is too small to help and all donations are tax deductible.

Online donations to USEE can be made at https://payments.auctionpay.com/ver3/?id=w024427

Thank you for all that you do,

Jason Taylor
Executive Director

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