January 15, 2009

Jumping on the Simplicity Bandwagon

With all of the efforts that seem to be going on around me of people taking their lives back-to-basics, I'm making some changes of my own. Inspired by Andree's "buy nothing new" resolution, the start of the Voluntary Simplicity class I'm participating in, as well as the book I'm currently reading, Not Buying It by Judith Levine, I have decided to forgo getting the internet in my home.

I moved into a new studio apartment not more than a month ago. My previous 2 residences have all had free internet available. After going for a year and half without having to pay for internet service, I am reluctant to sign up with any company that is going to make me shell out $30 to $50 for something I've been able to take for granted for so long. Now that I've been in my new apartment for several weeks without any internet access, I find myself getting back to doing the things I really love to do. I've read two books in the last two weeks, gotten caught up on my ever-long to-do list, spent some quality time with my guitar almost every day, exercised regularly, enjoyed the company of close friends spontaneously getting together, and have cooked several excellent meals while listening to my favorite music.

In light of all this merriment of enjoying the things that really make me happy, I am going to try going without the internet. I still have plenty of ways to access the things that require my online attention such as paying bills, my banking information, email accounts, and all other various online "needs" by staying a little late after work, using my lunch break wisely, or by heading down to the local coffee shop. It's easy to fall into the habit of coming home, dead-dog-tired, and logging on to email, Facebook, and the ever expanding realms of Hulu to watch all of my favorite TV shows (I don't have a television either, and haven't for a couple of years now), or even blogging after work. Then before you know it, it's practically time for bed to start the whole mundane process all over again. Well, I've had enough of that.

So this is my experiment. In this time of fast-paced technology, can I take a step back and lead a simpler life of not being plugged in to Goolge constantly to satisfy my want for impulse information? Can I realize the importance of taking the time to call my mom for cooking tips and recipes, rather than searching for them online? Can I relax and enjoy the fact that I'm not constantly available on whatever chat program of your choice? That's what my cell phone is for, isn't it? I think so. I've already begun to realize the benefits of the disconnected life and am savoring it.

I don't have a set goal; maybe I should. Three months? That sounds good. Done. We'll see how I feel in April.

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