January 29, 2009

White House Farmer

There's always been a White House Chef, now it's time for a White House Farmer! Inspired by Michael Polin's call for a farmer in cheif, WhiteHouseFarmer.com was conceived by the Brockmans, a farm family in central Illinois. They have gathered over 100 nominations across the country and the voting is open until January 31.

Utah has its own nominee, Jim Kennard, who has dedicated a portion of his life and resources to promoting the Mittleider Method of gardening through the Food For Everyone Foundation. "The Foundation’s purposes include encouraging and fostering the development, understanding, and distribution of the most efficient scientific non-polluting and ecologically sensitive food production procedures, by sponsoring and supporting the research, development, and dissemination of the best possible gardening methods and techniques, and the most effective information delivery systems and teaching methods throughout the world, with primary emphasis on the developing countries."

You can vote for Jim here.

This idea ties in perfectly with USEE's Community Discussion group Menu for the Future, a six-session course exploring the connection between food and sustainability for the workplace, community center or home. Contact Jason if you're interested in starting a course.

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