February 6, 2009

Education in a Green Economy

I just came across a great letter from a number of environmental education leaders to Arne Duncan, the new US Education Secretary, about the importance of education in carrying out President Obama's environmental agenda.  

The authors make a case that it is imperative to incorporate education deep within the new  'green economy' and that if this endeavor is to succeed, the US needs an environmentally literate population of both workers and consumers.

"President-elect Obama has astutely perceived the linkages between climate change, economic stimulus, energy security, and job training by declaring that the transition to a green economy is his "top priority." The missing link in this system is the critical role that education can play in quickly making the green economy a reality. By working with him to include a major role for education in his green economy plans, you'll help advance his agenda - and yours."

There are also a number of concrete suggestions such as:

"The President should announce a sweeping initiative to support education as a cornerstone of our new clean energy future. This initiative should be part of an economic stimulus package with a focus on green jobs and green education to help Americans of all ages, all backgrounds, and all walks of life transition to the green economy."

If you care about how environmental education can be a part of the new 'green economy' then I recommend you read the whole  letter here.

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