April 10, 2009

Not Buying It - Final update

Well, I made it. I met my goal of not purchasing anything "new" from January 1 until March 31 (and actually a bit beyond). It was a wonderful experience, and I learned many new things. I'll break some of it out for you below...

Was it difficult not to buy new things?
To be honest, at first it was a bit tricky. Not because I felt entitled to new things, but just that it was a habit. I would see a cute shirt for a good price and think to myself "well, I need a new shirt for work, so I'll get it". I definitely had to retrain myself to realize I didn't need it, and if I really did, I'm sure I could find something similar used.

As I got used to the rules, the hard thing became not scrutinizing EVERYTHING I was buying (even things that were on the ok list). I've referred to some of these in my previous posts, but products like the stuff I put in my hair to make it shiny, or even food that was a good deal, but might sit on the pantry shelf for a long while until it actually got used, made me wonder if they were really needed. I did end up cutting down on somethings on the ok list, but the best part was it really made me conscious of my purchases.

I think one of the hardest things was not buying for my poor old dog who loves stuffed animals. The new puppy destroyed all of his favorites (including the beloved hedgehog) and even with multiple "stitches" they were finally discarded. I felt really bad that I couldn't get him another, but really, it would have been a waste as I'm sure it would have gone the same way as the others....

What were my alternatives to buying?
In my family (my immediate little family, but learned by my parents), we are scroungers. I'm proud to admit this. My father is very talented in the "see something on the side of the road and fix it up like new" catagory. My mother then takes over and makes it look like new with a new coat of paint or refinishing. The skills they passed on to me helped out with the "not buying it" project quite a bit. My husband and I have aquired many beautiful pieces of furniture, cloths, etc because people were throwing them out. Just because someone is getting rid of soemthing doesn't mean it is junk. Some unwanted items just take a little love, vision, and elbow grease, but then become amazing possessions. I have to say, the large mirror I was given for free, and my husband made a frame for out of old fence boards, is much better than anything I could have bought, and I'm more proud of it. Keep an eye out for things people put out on the curb, but be sure to ask if you can take it before loading it in your car!

The DI was also a savior for me with this project. I've always loved the thrift stores, but used to be looking for the funky hippie cloths I wore in high school. Now I was amazed at the quality clothing you can find if you just take the time out to really look. My husband really is the DI pro, but I'm learning the tricks of the trade. I was able to up my wardrobe with many nice work cloths for a whole lot cheaper than I would have found anywhere esle. And, I wasn't creating demand for new items. Also, if you have kids, scour the DIs. It surprises me the great name brand stuff we find for our kids. Chacos, Keen Shoes, The Childrens Place Clothing, name brand skater stlyes, etc. Even if I had been buying new, I'm sure I wouldn't shell out the money for these kind of cloths when they only last the kids a couple months.

What are my overall ending impressions?
Consiousness is key. Just the awareness of what I was buying, how much I was spending, and that I was creating a demand for items I really didn't need has made a huge impact on my life. I'm sure my family will forever be plagued with the question "Do you REALLY need it?", but I feel that in these current times (environmental and economic), this is the right question to be asking. "Is it worth it?" (environmenally and economically) is another great question. Even though the project is over, I'm still hesitant to buy (and I really NEED new running shoes!). I'm really glad about this and hope that it sticks with me and I can instill this ethic into my children as well.

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