May 27, 2009

Forests of the World

Project Learning Tree (PLT) has a new secondary curriculum, Forests of the World, and last night Andree' did the first training for the new book at USEE's May Green Bag lecture. PLT describes the course as:

"Forests of the World provides formal and nonformal educators with a series of activities to help students and educators gain an increased understanding and appreciation of the diversity of world forest environments, with an emphasis on the human interaction with and dependence on those environments. The module activities provide students with opportunities to apply scientific processes and higher order thinking skills while investigating world forestry issues and conducting service learning action projects."

What do you know about the forests of the world? Take a glance at these questions from one of the Forests of the World activities and test your knowledge!

How much of Earth's land area do you think is covered by forests?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 30%
d. 50%

Which three countries have the most forest land?
a. United States, Australia, Peru
b. Russia, Brazil, Canada
c. China, Canada, United States
d. Russia, Canada, China

Some things to think about:

What are 5 ways that your everyday life in connected to forests?

What is a forest that you have been to or have heard about? How are you connected to this forest?

How do you think humans have affected forests locally or globally in the past 100 years?

Answers: c,b.

If you are interested in the Forests of the World training or any other secondary or K-8 PLT training contact Andree' today by calling 801-328-1549 or by emailing!

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