August 13, 2009

Your Voice is Heard!

The following article was published in the Salt Lake Tribune and written by one of our members, Susan Dyer, after attending a USEE Green Bag Lunchtime lecture series focusing on "How to Live a Greener Lifestyle." The presentation was given by the Salt Lake City's Mayors Office Outreach Coordinator for the Division of Sustainability and the Environment. Thanks Susan for letting your voice be heard!

Tribune and energy
Public Forum Letter
Updated: 08/10/2009 05:45:04 PM MDT

After hearing a fascinating presentation last week by the Salt Lake City mayor's office on alternative energy and sustainability, I wondered why The Tribune doesn't devote more coverage to environmental issues? The presentation's most important good news/bad news points were: The quality of drinking water in Utah is among the best (no need to buy bottled water), and Salt Lake's air quality is among the worst. The latter is due in part to the city and state's reliance on fossil fuels for energy: 84 percent of Salt Lake's electricity comes from fossil fuels, primarily coal-powered plants; for Utah, it's 98 percent.

It would be helpful if The Tribune could target these subjects more thoroughly, spotlighting increases in alternative energy use, such as solar energy and wind power. Providing more news about developing new energy sources, about the reduction in Utah's reliance on coal, and about the consequent improvement in air quality helps readers connect the dots.

Reports about the impact of citizens' sustainable practices (recycling and ripping up strips of lawn) provide valuable feedback and encourage further efforts. Such information helps readers make informed decisions about increasing their low-impact energy use.

Susan Dyer


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