September 9, 2009

USEE September Green Bag

Communicating Online: The Social Networking Craze
September 15, 12:00 - 1:30 pm
The USEE Offices, 466 E 500 S, SLC, Downstairs

Can you Twitter or Facebook your way to program and fundraising success?
Social networking--especially recently Facebook and Twitter--have become all the rage. Board members or program participants may suggest you should have a Facebook page. Your young 20-something assistant may insist you need a Twitter account. And then there is blogging--Blogspot, TypePad, WordPress--and you think you should blog, but what about it and how do you carve out time to do it? And more importantly, what does it mean to your fundraising efforts, programming, and constituent building to use Facebook, Twitter, or a blog?
The use of these technologies is definitely on the increase, but organizations should think carefully about a strategy that contributes to their missions and aligns with the resources they have to dedicate to such practices. Third Sun Productions will lead us in this discussion of the pros and cons of implementing social networking from an organizational standpoint and how you might measure success.

RSVP to by September 14th to reserve your spot. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for non-members and includes a light lunch. Cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to the event or you will be billed $5 to cover lunch costs.

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