February 11, 2010

100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Every Kind of Classroom

OnlineDegreePrograms.org posted a great article that is essentially a compilation of ways that all kinds of educators can incorporate environmental education into classrooms. The article contains websites about how to do all kinds of things from worm-bins to curriculum resources. Here are the first 24 tips from the article:

Teaching Green: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Every Kind of Classroom

Incorporating ways to help the environment into your lessons is not only good for the planet, but offers plenty of hands-on activities, lessons, and projects for students. So whether you are teaching a kindergarten class or a college-level seminar, whether you are teaching science or language arts, you will find a wealth of tips, tools, and resources below to make your job easier.

Resources for K-12 Educators

Teachers will find these resources helpful for creating lessons and projects that are informative and fun.

  1. TeachingGreen. This site offers tons of resources, information, programs, and more to help you teaching about going green.
  2. Go Green in the Classroom: 5 Eco-Friendly Teaching Units. Find five projects here that can help your students learn about going green.
  3. Classroom Earth. High school teachers will want to check out this site that is designed to help them integrate environmental content in their lesson plans–no matter what subject they teach.
  4. ESA Educator Resources. The Ecological Society of America provides resources for K-12 teachers.
  5. Society for Conservation Biology. The education section of this resource offers tips on presenting conservation to K-12 students, resources for teaching conservation biology, textbook recommendations, additional links, and more.
  6. The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education. This company sells materials and services to help K-12 schools incorporate sustainability into their curriculum.
  7. Facing the Future. This site offers a mix of free and for-fee resources to help educators bring green teaching into the classroom.
  8. Roots and Shoots. This organization is a part of the Jane Goodall Institute and facilitates young people getting involved in programs to help communities and the environment.
  9. The U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development. The national listserv for K-12 educators is one of the many resources available from this organization that is dedicated to sustainability education.
  10. Ecological Footprint Teacher’s Manual. Download a copy of this manual as well as teachers’ lesson plans they developed around this manual.
  11. Project WILD. Project WILD provides wildlife conservation programs for K-12 teachers and students.
  12. Project WET. This group helps educators and parents teach children about water and the need for its conservation.

Resources for K-12 Students

Students can get in on the action on their own when they visit these informative sites.

  1. Kids Links Teaching Green. Go here for a listing of several sites that provide children of all ages a chance to learn about or participate in going green.
  2. AIRNow. Visit the learning center here to find resources teaching about air quality and pollution for both younger and older students as well as for teachers.
  3. A Walk in the Woods. Aimed at 3rd through 5th grade, this site takes kids on a virtual trip through the woods and also provides teacher’s guides.
  4. I Buy Different. This site helps educate students to make smart choices when it comes to making purchases and how these purchases affect the Earth.
  5. Adventures with Bobby Bigfoot. Students can take this quiz to learn how they can reduce their carbon footprint, and teachers have access to teacher’s guides.
  6. EcoKids. Kids and teachers each have a section on this site that focuses on environmental education for students.
  7. Ology. The American Museum of Natural History presents this site that guides students through biodiversity lessons in a number of different "ologies" such as anthropology and archaeology.
  8. Environmental Education for Kids. Also known as EEK!, this site provides 4th through 8th graders with lots of information about the Earth and the plants and animals that live on it.
  9. Environmental Kids Club. This comprehensive site offers games, information, activities, and much more for elementary-aged students.
  10. EPA Student Center. This is the sister site of Environmental Kids Club, but provides activities and information appropriate for middle school students.
  11. High School Environmental Center. The third of the EPA sites, this one is geared to high school students.
  12. Home Tour. This virtual home tour from the EPA educates on common chemicals found around the house and which ones are toxic.
There are so many great resources here! For the other 76, visit the original post today!


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