September 20, 2011

Dance, Drums, Dragonflies at Ogden Nature Center!

(an opening event for the Utah EE Conference - open to the public)
Thursday October 6 6pm - 7:30 pm


Deja views her dancing and teaching as a means of bringing people into an experience of greater centeredness and connection, both within themselves, and in the world they live in. Her goals for her students are a deeper experience within themselves and an expansive connection to the world. She sees her students as capable and abundant resources of self actualization, and encourages their journey of self-discovery. From the children she teaches with myriad combinations of hearing, sight, physical and mental abilities, to the elders in the community, she fosters joy and possibility through expressing movement.

Deja has a degree in modern dance from Utah State University and has specialized in traditional African dance & drumming for the last 14 years. She was drawn to African dance because of the power of the rhythms, the strong connection to the earth, and it's joyful expression of humanity. She teaches at Eccles Community Art Center, University of Utah Tanner Dance, independent workshops and performances, creative & cultural dance in public schools, and is an adjunct professor for African dance at Weber State University.

Not only is Deja a dancer and performer, she is also actively engaged in making positive change in the world through her role as a community leader advocating for environmentally appropriate development, supporting humanitarian work in Africa, and running a fair-trade, organic coffee shop with her husband.

To register for this great workshop, click here.

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