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March 5, 2012

Household Plants are Helpful!

Last September when I moved to Utah, I was pretty bummed I could not bring my houseplants. It just wasn’t feasible for the two day drive I made. I kept about 5 potted plants, including Bamboo, Gerbera Daisies, Geraniums, and a few leafy green plants, all of which I gave away to neighbors and friends.Personally, I feel they lighten up the room and keep my overall mood happy.

And that’s want most studies say too. Houseplants are more than just pretty and do more than just give off oxygen, they actually clean the air.

According to Mother Nature Network “they can help improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants known as volatile organic compounds.”

Their article goes on to explain a study NASA conducted inthe late 1980’s. They examined 15 different houseplants for their ability toremove common indoor air pollutants.

The plants listed below proved most effective at removing pollutants.
  • Peace lily
  • Goldenpothos
  • English ivy
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Gerberadaisy
  • Mother-in-law's tongue
  • Bamboo palm
  • Azalea
  • Red-edged racaena
  • Spider plant

The NASA study recommends using one potted plant per 100 square feet of home or office space.

There are lots of articles out there about how putting plants in your home, office and in classrooms not only makes the rooms look nicer, but also help boost mood, reduce stress and make you feel healthier. It’s easy to understand that these effects are from the air actually being cleaner.

Check out the Mother Nature Network article “Houseplants that clean the air” for more information about the NASA study and descriptions on how the different house plants listed above help clean your air.

Also check out the Plants4life website to learn how plants in the classroom help create a better learning environment. By clicking the Background tab, you can also download their report on the benefits of keeping plants in offices and schools.

Remember, it’s never one big thing that makes a big change in our life, but all the little, easy, day to day things that actually make us and our environment healthier.


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