August 22, 2012

USEE welcomes Johnny Lupinacci to 23rd annual conference

As agents of change, we all have both the capacity and the responsibility to make an ethical choice to examine and challenge how dominant Western cultural ways of thinking have isolated us from recognizing the realities of our ecological existence.  John’s work as an EcoJustice educator and activist focuses on how people learn to both identify and examine violent habits of modern human culture, suggesting we confront our assumptions about existing as individuals separate from and superior to the greater ecological systems to which we belong.

John Lupinacci is a doctoral candidate in the urban education program at Eastern Michigan University, where he is also adjunct faculty and teaches pre-service teachers using an EcoJustice approach. He has taught at the secondary level in Detroit and is co-author of the book EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities. His experience as a high school math and science teacher, an outdoor environmental educator, and a community activist all contribute to examining the relationships between schools and the reproduction of the cultural roots of the ecological crises.  Recent accomplishments include: conference presentations of papers at American Educational Research Association, Association of American Geographers, and American Educational Studies Association; publications in Educational Studies, the Australian Journal of Environmental Education, and PowerPlay; nomination and acceptance to present a TEDtalk at TEDxEMU.

To register for the 23rd annual Environmental Education Conference visit:

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