December 31, 2008

9 goals for 2009

I quit making New Year's Resolutions years ago. I don't like to set myself up for failure. Rather, in college, some friends and I decided to make a certain number of goals based on the year. 5 for 2005, 7 for 2007, you get the idea. So this year we are up to 9. You may think...Wow! That is a lot of accountability! But instead it lets me think of all the things I'd like to accomplish and why. In 2011, I'll be back to one major goal, so check back in then and we'll see how it goes....

You may also be wondering why I am telling you my personal goals (and the actions involved to meet those goals) on the USEE website. That's easy to answer. Environmental Education can encompass all that you do. We live in the environment and constantly interact with it, so my goals not only pertain to me, but my relationship with the environment too. Here we go....

1. Stay Fit. This past year I've lost over 40lbs. I'm not going to gain it back. My actions will be to continue training, to run at least one foot race (aiming for a half marathon), to eat healthy and local, to drink more water. All of these things help me physically, but also allow me to take time to be outdoors and ponder my environment (i.e., Where is my food coming from? What is food grade petroleum and why am I eating it?) . The USEE Discussion ourses help out with this... especially the Menu for the Future Course.'

2. Prioritize Family Time. I am working at USEE as well as teaching a course at USU this spring. My husband works full time and goes to school. We have my step children at the house part time, two dogs, chickens and a gigantic to-do list. The USEE Discussion Course Healthy Children Healthy Planet opened my eyes to how much we let society take over and dictate what we "should" be doing. We should work more to make more money to be happy. We should put our kids in as many classes as we can so they are successful adults. But no, not for me. I am uber busy, but I am going to take time out for my family. We'll go on walks, check out the stars, dig in the dirt, etc. They will be more involved in all the other goals as well. Read on.

3. RELAX! This relates to the goal above. I can't sit still. If I'm watching TV, I am crocheting a hat. The only time I am relaxing is if it is also serving another purpose. I don't sit in the hot tub to relax, I sit in it to get warm. My mindset is going to change. Relaxing will help me in meeting my goal above. I will remember that I don't have to be everything to everyone.

4. Spend time with my dog. I have a new puppy who demands attention. But, I also have an old lab who has been my buddy for 10 years. He's can't do the things that he used to with me. He was my hiking friend and running pal. Now, he gets so excited when i put on my running shoes and I have to say "No, you stay here Bronco, you can't go that far." How horrible is that? So, I will slow down (relax? goal number 3?), and take my old friend for a walk at his pace (it is a good pace for the kids too.... goal number 2?). Being out in the environment benefits me tremendously. But, does that mean it needs to be at my running pace? No, I can enjoy it at an old dogs gait, and he will be much happier too. He deserves it.

5. Have an awesome garden. We have a huge garden area in my backyard. I did an ok job last year with it, but this year... look out! I plan to be able to provide much of my families food from my little plot of dirt. I've been gathering info and tips from my mom, my grandma and anyone who will let me pick their brains. Gardening will fit in with goal number 1, 2, and 3...I love multitasking. This makes me feel great about my contribution to the environment. I can cut down on energy costs of food production and travel. I know where it will come from, how it was grown, and what was put on it. It will also be a wonderful teaching tool for my kiddos.

6. Live more sustainably/simply. This one is a no brainer on how it relates to the environment, but here are a couple ways I hope to accomplish it. My husband Joe and I are going to do a three month experiment of not buying anything new (other than food and emergency things like car repairs, etc). If we need something, it has to come from freecycle, DI or be borrowed. This should be fun for us as we LOVE scrounging. One mans junk is our treasure. We'll reassess at three months. The kids are in on it too, and I love the thought of teaching them that we don't always need to be consumers. I also hope to use less plastic and create less plastic waste (stay tuned for another blog post).

7. Rid myself of clutter. I just read an article from YES! Magazine about a woman who lives quite happily in an 84 square foot house. I complain about my 1700 square foot house. Yes, I have the husband, two kids, two dogs, chickens, etc to justify with, but really, we don't need more room, just less stuff. I have a plan to create a 6 month box in the garage. If I put something in there today for example, I'll put a date on it 6 months from now, so June 31. If I haven't thought of it or pulled it back out by then, it needs to be giving to someone who can really use it. I can live happily with my little family and I don't need to upgrade to a bigger, less economical house.

8. Redevelop old friendships, make new ones. I like to be alone. Who doesn't? But, I also need my friends. I need to share experiences with them (my favorites are the ones that happen outdoors!), I need to learn from them (any good gardening tips?), I need to relax with them, etc. I also LOVE making new friends. A group of "professional acquaintances" got together last year for the Healthy Planet Healthy Children Discussion course. What an amazing group of women! I was so blessed to get to know them better, and to learn so much from them. I look forward to more in 2009.

9. GET OUTSIDE MORE! This again relates to all my goals above, but it needs to be a conscious thought as well. The last month here at the USEE office we have been trying to take a walk outside everyday. Even in the snow. It is amazing how much it brightens my mood, makes me more productive and keeps me awake. I always end up putting off my outdoor experiences for other things I think are more pressing (household chores?). Getting outside will help me with everything in my life as you can see from this whole blog post.

So, I'm excited to get a move'on for all my goals. If they don't end up happening to their fullest, oh well. At least they are on my mind, and I'll do my best.

Happy New Year Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year indeed! What great goals! I love this post and it looks like you have some fun times ahead in accomplishing this all. And with the Voluntary Simplicity course coming up as well, what a great way to help out some of your goals like relaxing and taking the time to walk with Bronco and your kids. I'm going to start thinking of my own 9 for '09 goals!
