January 5, 2009

More Ways to Save Energy

In conjunction with switching out your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs, another great way to save some energy and some money on your electricity bill is to put your electronics on power strips with surge protectors. (And then turn the off when your not using them, of course.)

Americans pay over $1 billion a year to power their TV's and DVD players when they are in the off position! This is because electronics and appliances are constantly drawing electricity at all hours of the day and night. This is especially true of anything that uses a remote (TV's, VCR's, DVD players, CD players, cable boxes, etc.) because these electronics are continuously drawing and sending a signal to their remotes. Because of this, electronics with remotes use almost as much electricty when they are "off" as they do when they are "on." Other energy drainers that pull 1,000 killowatt hours per year per household on average when they are turned "off" or are in stand-by mode are toasters, hair dryers, coffee makers, personal computers, laptops and their chargers, printers, and cell phone chargers.

So how can you combat these electricity hogs? Grab some power strips, and set up all of your electronics with one. Put one in your office, or wherever your computer is, and hook up your computer, printer, etc. Always shut down your computer, and then turn the power strip off. Plug in your TV and other various electronics to a power strip, too. When you're not using these things, make sure to always turn the power strips off. Make this a habit in your home. These power strips turn the electronics completely off and don't allow them to continue to draw wattage when the power strips are flipped off. Keep all of your kitchen tools unplugged until you need them. Only plug in the toaster when you need it to make toast, likewise with the coffee maker. And don't forget, once your laptop and cell phone is charged up, unplug the chargers too!

Flipping the switch on some power strips is an easy thing to do. The hardest part is remembering to do it. So, before you head off to work every day and then when you go to sleep at night, make sure you aren't pulling any extra wattage and check your strips. Or make it a household habit of flipping these switches immediately after you're finished using them. It's a great way to save energy and money on your next electricity bill.

For additional information on this topic or to see some other ways to "green" your home, check out this article: 10 Ways to Green Your Home.

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