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October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

As many of you know, we operate on a pretty small staff here at USEE. Now we're even smaller with Andree' away on maternity leave, but we're going to keep having fun!

Jason and I decided that we would have an office costume party, even if Jason and I were the only participants.

Jason is an 80's Hockey Player, sporting a nice shiner from the fight he got in during last night's game, nasty mustache, turtleneck, and complete with his vintage Toronto Maple Leafs hat and jersey. The only thing that could make this one any better is a mullet!

I went a little old school as well and to bring back the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Michelangelo is one of my favorites (I loved the ninja turtles growing up) and I think this one pretty much speaks for itself. Too bad I forgot my nunchucks for these pictures!

Looks like we are very excited about Halloween! What about you? Did anyone else have office parties? Are you dressing up?

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